HOTEL SCHOOL’s Development Director conducted lectures for adult learners in Burgos, Spain – “HOTEL SCHOOL” Viesnīcu biznesa koledža

HOTEL SCHOOL’s Development Director conducted lectures for adult learners in Burgos, Spain

HOTEL SCHOOL’s Development Director conducted lectures for adult learners in Burgos, Spain

On March 18-23, 2024, HOTEL SCHOOL Hotel Management College’s Development Director and Chair of the Council, Lecturer MIB, Mg.paed. Olga Zvereva has conducted a series of lectures to adult learners and teaching staff at the CIFP La Flora | Escuela de Hostelería y Turismo de Burgos in Burgos, Spain. The lectures were held in the framework of the ERASMUS+ project No. 2022-1-LV01-KA121-ADU-000055721 as teaching mobility of adult teaching staff.

The topics of the lectures delivered: “HOTEL SCHOOL Hotel Management College, academic profile and international projects’ opportunities”; “Latvian Touristic Profile”; “Latvian Gastronomic Profile: traditional and modern culinary arts”; “NO LEFTOVER culinary arts”; “Sustainable Hospitality Digitalisation Guide” including the subtopics “Digital Skills”, “Canva opportunities for Hospitality Industry”, “Trends in the Hospitality Sector”, “The Tools of Digitalisation in Hospitality”, “Sustainable Hospitality Digitalisation Indicators”, “Regulations and Legislation for the Sustainable Hospitality Digitalisation”, “Sustainable Budgeting”, “Hotel Management and F&B Management”, “Economic Benefits from Sustainable Hospitality Digitalisation”, “Practices and Development of Entrepreneurial Ideas and Professional Networks”.

Through these lectures, O.Zvereva also disseminated for the wider audience the results of the projects, implemented by HOTEL SCHOOL Hotel Management College and showed their practical application. The materials used were developed during the projects “Sustainable Hospitality Digitalisation Toolkit”, Erasmus+ project No. 2021-1-LV01-KA220-VET-000033140 (it was rated 96 points) and “NO LEFTOVER Nordic/Baltic Culinary Arts: digital course with training materials and tools for adult educators”, Nordplus Adult project No. NPAD-2022/10049.

Funded by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the European Union or the State Education Development Agency. Neither the European Union nor the State Education Development Agency can be held responsible for them.

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