HOTEL SCHOOL took part in the Days of International Education

It feels so good to visit our neighbours!
Last week, the HOTEL SCHOOL’s Study Programme Director Dzintars Prieditis presented education opportunities offered by HOTEL SCHOOL at two educational fairs: one in Tallin, Estonia, on March 14, and another in Vilnius, Lithuania, on March 17.
We are truly excited by the intensity of interest in our study programmes and hope to meet Estonian and Lithuanian prospective students again during our Doors Open Day on April 13, at HOTEL SCHOOL!
Many thanks to our colleague Dzintars Prieditis for inspiringly presenting our College!
The visits of HOTEL SCHOOL to Estonia and Lithuania was made possible with the support provided by the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia in the framework of the ERDF project “MVU inovatīvas uzņēmējdarbības attīstība”, the project No., in accordance with the Agreement No. 17.1-1-L-2024/35 (support for export activities), co-financed by the European Union.