Apply now! Erasmus Higher Education Student Mobility for Traineeships Call 1 “Long-term Student Mobility for Traineeship” – HOTEL SCHOOL Viesnīcu biznesa koledža

Apply now! Erasmus Higher Education Student Mobility for Traineeships Call 1 “Long-term Student Mobility for Traineeship”

Apply now! Erasmus Higher Education Student Mobility for Traineeships Call 1 “Long-term Student Mobility for Traineeship”

Dear Higher Education Students (VPO Groups) ,

SIA “HOTEL SCHOOL” Viesnīcu biznesa koledža (HOTEL SCHOOL Hotel Management College) announces the call-1 for the participation in the competition for the Erasmus Higher Education Student Mobility for Traineeships in accordance with the agreement No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055754 for Long-term Student Mobility for Traineeships during the period from September 2022 to November 2022.

Please, prepare your application with the CV, motivation letter and other attachments to participate in the competition and send to the email starting from August 26, 2022 by September 02, 2022 15:00 p.m. Riga Time.


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