The project “Business Models post Corona in the Hospitality Sector”:
- Implementation period: 08.2021. – 08.2023.
- Project coordinator: Dania Academy
- Project Nr. NPHZ-2021/10064
The Corona pandemic has struck a significant blow to the global economy. Currently, there are few enterprises that have not been heavily affected by the pandemic, and it poses a significant challenge to the current business model paradigm held throughout several industries. This holds especially true for the hospitality sector, where hotels, airline companies and other operators have seen a dramatic plunge in the number of customers and revenue. The question that remains is how this pandemic has affected, and will continue to effect, the way the hospitality companies operate their business; the latter is what we wish to explore, and to that end develop learning and educational materials in a cooperation between the three institutions in this project.
The project “Business Models post Corona in the Hospitality Sector”, Nr. NPHZ-2021/10064, gathers together three partners, Dania Academy (Danemark), HOTEL SCHOOL Hotel Management College and Meet in Reykjavík (Island).

Events of the Project:
- September 20-22, 2022: Transnational Meeting in Riga, Latvia:
- February 17, 2023: Workshop in Riga, Latvia:
- May 2, 2023: International Conference in Randers, Denmark:
- May 16, 2023: International Conference in Reykjavík, Iceland:
- May 30, 2023: International Conference in Riga, Latvia: